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170.315(d)(13) Multi-Factor Authentication:The Regard solution relies on the electronic medical record (EMR)’s two-factor authentication protocol known as Smart on FHIR

EHI Export Overview

EHI (electronic health information) Export is a feature that allows users to export electronic health information (EHI) from certified health IT modules, such as EHRs, in a computable and electronic format.

EHI Export is one of the requirements of the Promoting Interoperability Program, which aims to encourage the adoption and meaningful use of certified EHR technology (CEHRT)

EHI Export has two components: a single-patient EHI export and a patient population EHI export.

It supports single patient EHI access requests, which can help patients obtain a copy of their health records in a timely and computable manner.
It supports the entire patient population EHI export, which can help health IT developers and health systems transfer or migrate data to another system or product.

EHI Export is intended to support the interoperability and data access goals of the 21st Century Cures Act, which prohibits information blocking and requires the use of standardized APIs for EHI access and exchange.

EHI Export also supports the transition to the United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) standard, which defines the data classes and elements that are essential for nationwide interoperability.

A publicly accessible hyperlink that allows any user to directly access the EHI export file format information without preconditions or additional steps.

The documentation describes the format used and should be updated regularly.

EHI Export Benefits

Regard meets the certification criterion §170.315(b)(10) Electronic Health Information export by implementing the FHIR Export for Single Patient and Bulk Export.

A user can perform an electronic health information (EHI) export

For a single patient:

Can export at any time the user chooses.
Can operate without creating a subsequent support ticket for developer assistance.
Includes all the EHI for a single patient.
Is electronic and in a computable format.
Includes a publicly accessible hyperlink to the export’s format, which allows any user to directly access the export file information without preconditions or additional steps.
The EHI export file format describes the structure and syntax of how the EHI is exported (but not the EHI itself).
Users can use the export format documentation to process EHI after Regard has exported it and to facilitate its movement to other systems.

For a patient population:

Includes all the EHI for a patient population.
Is electronic and in a computable format.
Includes a publicly accessible hyperlink to the export’s format, which allows any user to directly access the export file information without preconditions or additional steps.
The EHI export file format describes the structure and syntax of how the EHI is exported (but not the EHI itself)
Users can use the export format documentation to process EHI after Regard has exported it and to facilitate its movement to other systems.
However, when healthcare providers switch to health IT systems, they can request Regard action or support for successful migration of patient data.
Users can use the export format documentation to process EHI after Regard has exported it and to facilitate its movement to other systems.

Regard can limit users who perform an EHI export

Only administrators have the ability to perform the export

What is the difference between single-patient EHI export and patient population EHI export?

Single-patient EHI export enables a user of Regard to export whatever selected the EHI for a single patient at any time the user chooses, without the developer’s assistance.
Patient population EHI export enables Regard to create an export of all the EHI for a patient population upon request.

What are the data elements and format of the EHI export?

The data elements that are to be included are more than just the USCDI.  The data elements that should be included are what is considered part of the Designated Record Set.  Check Table 2 starting on page 17 in this document for other data elements that are considered

PHI that should be part of the export.

All Regard export files use the CSV format.

What is the path for exported EHI?

Users can download the exported data to any folder of their choice on their system.

How to request and access the EHI export?

Users can request and access the EHI export through the user interface of Regard for single patient export. Administrators may place a request to Regard to download total patient population export.

Whom can I contact for support or more information?

For queries related to export and support, please contact Regard by email:

Mandatory Disclosures:

Regard SaaS Solution v.1

ONC 2015 Cures Update Certification Criteria: B10, D1, D5, D12, D13, G5, G4

Date of certification: May 2, 2024

Unique certification number:

CQMS: ISO 9001

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC–ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The ONC Health IT Certification Program (Certification Program) ensures that Certified Health Information Technology meets the technological capability, functionality, and security requirements adopted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).